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Solar Controllers

What is MPPT and how does it work?

Every cell in a solar panel has a point at which the current and voltage output result in the cell's maximum power output. A Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) solar controller will simulate the load required by the solar panel to achieve maximum po

Why do I need a regulator?

A 12V solar panel is designed to output at least enough voltage to charge a 12V battery under worst-case conditions (low light level, high temperature, etc).  A 12V battery needs at least 13.6V to charge; therefore, a solar panel must output at least

My MPPT/solar controller is not turning on

Please work through the following troubleshooting steps below:. - Ensure the controller is connected to the battery before it is connected to the panel. If you connect the panel first, it will not work. - Check the connections between the battery and

My load terminals/USB ports aren't outputting power

Please work through the following troubleshooting steps:. - Press your controller's load button to ensure the load terminals are active. - Ensure your controller has been connected to a charged battery, as the load terminals/USBs draw power from the